Plentiful is a podcast that explores unique solutions to food waste and hunger enabled by Abound Food Care, public entities, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations throughout the country. In this episode, we visit with three different experts from the medical, non-profit, and private sectors to discuss food waste and food insecurity.
Plentiful is a podcast that explores unique solutions to food waste and hunger enabled by Abound Food Care, public entities, the private sector, and nonprofit organizations throughout the country. In this episode, we speak with Dr. Victor Cisneros about the health of those who are food insecure, and what is often overlooked when it comes to insecurity.
Join us as we talk about Food Repurposing Kitchens as a big picture solution to food waste and insecurity with special guest, Robert Egger, on Episode 3 of Plentiful: An Abound Food Care Podcast.
Join us as we talk with Anthony Boger about the importance of serving the community, particularly in the faith-based organizations on Episode 4 of Plentiful: An Abound Food Care Podcast.
Join us as we talk with Scott Kleckner about how big of an impact the Food Service Industry has on food insecurity and food waste on Episode 5 of Plentiful: An Abound Food Care Podcast.