As Food Care experts recognized for optimizing large-scale food ecosystems, we’re dedicated to guiding communities, businesses, and nonprofit organizations on how to achieve efficiencies in their own food supply chain – to eliminate food waste, reduce hunger, and improve our environment.
Food Care

Food Resource Recovery
The Abound Food Resource Recovery Program empowers public sector agencies to utilize the recovery of excess edible food from food waste generators, for distribution to local and regional nonprofit agencies. State and county agencies, municipalities, solid waste haulers, and solid waste consultants, among others, can now address food insecurity and gain compliance with food waste reduction mandates.

Logistics Coordination
Getting edible food from a food generator to an organization that distributes it to community members requires a well-coordinated effort. Abound Food Care helps implement programs that address the variety of logistics challenges from matching donors with recipients and safe food handling to transportation and reporting.

Repurposing Kitchens
Going beyond the traditional pantry model of offering raw ingredients (e.g. potatoes, eggs, rice) or nonperishable canned foods which often are high in sodium, Abound Food Care’s network of food repurposing kitchens turns excess edible food into delicious, ready-to-heat-and-eat meals.

Emergency Food Management
The Abound Food Care Emergency Food Management Program enables local jurisdictions, state and federal agencies, emergency services, and community organizations to provide ready-to-eat, nutritious meals during the first 48 hours following an emergency – ensuring that citizens have access to food.